Some Things...
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There are some things about Jayli's life that I'll never understand....

When she was a baby, Tony and I would catch her staring at the wall and jokingly say, "she's watching her angels again."

After a while, we began to wonder if it wasn't true.

I'll never forget the time when Jayli was downstairs at the hospital, getting ready for a procedure. She was having a tough morning after not being able to eat for many hours. As the time passed while we were sitting in the room, Jayli became calm and mellow, like she knew something was going to happen. Then after some snuggling she sat up smiled and started waving at what appeared to be a blank wall. And this was before having any medication. We thought, she must be seeing her angels again.

I've always been mystified at how happy Jayli seemed for being as sick as she was. I always knew that it must be everyone's prayers that was getting her through. She was comforted in a way that I never could have provided for her.

We always thought that everyone's prayers would make Jayli healthy. They did - just not in the way that we thought.

Imagine.... A place where there are no tears, no sickness, no pain. A place where everyone is happy and healthy. Where they can run and not be weary, play, smile, laugh, sing, and dance all that they want to. Imagine listening to the most beautiful choir you've ever heard. - That's where Jayli is now.

Easter Sunday, my dad visited us in Chicago and wanted me to go to church with him. They had a beautiful choir and it made me sooo sad. Sad because I knew Jayli would love to hear them. Sad because I could imagine her dancing to their tune. Most of all sad, because she was stuck in the hospital and wasn't doing well.

The night before Jayli passed away, she was staring the wall down again. I knew she was seeing things that I couldn't. I told her to stop it, she was freaking me out. And then we fell asleep and I forgot all about it until the day after her funeral.

Jayli touched many lives while she was here on earth. I've always been amazed at her ability to draw complete strangers in with her smile. Everyone knew Jayli and her baby. And always commented on her huge blue eyes (that didn't miss a thing), her curly blonde hair, amazing smile and contagious laugh.

I believe that God carried Jayli through life... He provided comfort when she needed it, more people that loved her than I ever thought possible, and angels that would eventually carry her away to where she was always meant to be.

We'll miss you, Angel Jayli!

II Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.